I would like to share a quick reminder that I am studying on past few weeks. In Limitless book – Jim Kwik introduces me the power of our brain and the way it works. Every airports have a control tower from where instructions are given to aircraft when they are taking off or landing. Similar way our beautiful brain is the physical organ which controls all the behaviors, the way we think, act, express our emotion and the way we receive from others. It works like a control tower, controls all the landing and flying off our behaviors.
Human Brain is considered as one of the most complex topic of the world. Since our activities and behaviors are controlled by our brain we need to have the basic knowledge of relationship between our productivity, happiness and experience of our life with the Brain.
In this article I would like to share 3 common yet effective (I am getting results) tips on how to improve our brain for our personal growth:
- First thing I discovered about me is that I have already damaged few parts of my brain due to lack of deep sleep, bad habits and giving access my critic mind to work against me. These were the main reason why I couldn’t focus on almost anything properly. I used to search for excitement out of everything and making no meaningful progress in my life for last 7 years. Finally I have been able to find the root cause of this problems: Not going to sleep early. Now I can feel that my brain is gradually recovering the damage.
- Secondly I discovered that, very often I feel week and less energetic. I started taking brain few brain foods to check whether I feel better and less stressed. You can check the following video that I watched before I started to eat nut on regular basis: বাদাম খাওয়ার উপকারিতা || অবিশ্বাস্য ব্রেন ফুড || হাই প্রেশার, ডায়াবেটিস ও হৃদরোগ প্রতিরোধক – YouTube
- Being curious I tried to find out how our Faith/Belief/Taqwa increases. I have find something really interesting about this. I get to know that the ‘’ventromedial prefrontal cortex’’ of our brain is responsible for processing faith/Taqwa/Fear/lies etc. Interestingly this part of our brain is located to behind the place we offer prostration (sujud) during our prayers. This part of our brain improves in many ways but not limited to when we do fasting, prostration (sujud). সুস্থতার নতুন নিয়ামক ফাস্টিং- ডা. মনিরুজ্জামান || Fasting a great Health Regulator – YouTube
*PS: All these weird-looking thoughts were collected from different reliable sources of internet and from my personal experiment.